Book review of And Life Lights Up by Alice Taylor

And Life Lights Up by Alice Taylor is a wonderful little book and fantastic audiobook voiced by Jennifer Fitzgerald. This book is a great look at the moments that matter in life and is a series of short chapters or snapshots of moments of her life that have meant so much to her. We all have these moments and this book so perfectly captures both Taylor’s unique experiences and some that we can all identify with. Both happy memories and some poignant but tinged with sadness. This book is well worth a read or listen.

The book is split into different sections. The first covers experiences of relaxation. The ritual of having afternoon tea, taking a bath and the slightly unlikely joy of jumping into warm cow pats as a child. Not an experience I am keen to have though apparently it feels wonderful. Her descriptions of sinking into a warm bath and the old stories of the wealthy and the poor sitting down to afternoon tea as a rest in their day are themselves so relaxing and meditative. I felt so relaxed listening to them. Each chapter is only about 5 minutes and brought such a sense of calm to a busy day. Truly a delight.

I was so relaxed on one occasion that I decided to take a walk whilst listening and met a man having a difficult time in his life. We had both paused on our walk and he briefly told me the story of the personal loss his family was going through. The illness of his wife. A death in the family. The wisdom of his grandfather and the advice he had for a good marriage. It was a sad but also uplifting moment. I would not normally have paused on my morning walk before work. If I hadn’t stopped, he wouldn’t have told me. As the book reflects on and this man said to me that morning. It’s the little things in life that have the most meaning.

The second section focuses more on some of her specific memories and things that have happened in her life. These stories felt very personal and were a privilege to hear. It feels as though you are being told these stories by a friend.

Section 3 is focused on joy found in the garden. New bulbs and sitting outside in the first days of spring with the birds. She really transports you into her memories in a way that feels like you’re outside with her. It’s very skilfully written.

The individual stories are very moving and filled with joy. It’s a pleasure to read or listen to this book being read to you. It’s not like anything I’ve come across before. I think it’s fair to say as well that it’s a contemplative book. You are invited to think about your own precious memories. It evokes a lot of memory in the reader. A lot of the experiences are so shared and easy to relate to.

The only negative thing that I can find to say really is that I enjoyed the first half more. The second half was quite focused on the garden which I do love but as it wasn’t interspersed with anything else they seemed a little the same at times. I was also surprised when the book just stopped at the end without any form of conclusion or anything tying it together.

Alice Taylor’s debut book To School Through the Fields was the biggest selling book ever published in Ireland at the time of its publication and she has had many successes with her books, novels and collections of poetry.

If you could use some rest and contemplation in your life this is a good book to dip into. The audiobook really is tranquil. Let spring into your life with And Life Lights Up. It really does deliver the lift it promises in the title.

Note – audiobook available in some local libraries in addition to being purchasable.

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